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Articles of Interest

Cats Can Age Gracefully Just as humans get greyer hair, more wrinkles and bouts of arthritis, senior pets develop a variety of signs suggesting they too are aging. Unlike a fellow human, our feline friends can’t take res… read more Cleaning your Pets Teeth SO WHY DO MY PETS TEETH NEED CLEANING? Dental disease is one…

Pet Health

Pet Library

Guide to Keeping Pet Birds

The Benefits of Preventative Health Testing

Canine Urine Analysis Test

Urine analysis test and your canine companion A simple urine test can tell us so much about your dog’s health status. Analysis of your pet’s urine allows screening for conditions such as diabetes, urinary tract infections, and kidney disease. A urine test can also assist with the early detection of abnormalities and help to monitor…

Vaccination And Physical Examination

Arthritis Injections


The Risks For Overweight Pets

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