Search Results for: skin disease

My Dog Is Scratching And Biting But No Fleas

Why is my dog scratching? There are many reasons why pets become itchy. Sometimes the cause can be fleas, even if you can’t see them on your pet. Some pets experience seasonal allergies, just like people, but instead of having a runny nose and other symptoms we associate with hay fever, they actually get itchy…

Fleas Won’t Go Away!

How Can Veterinary Diets Help Your Pet?

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Fleas and your Pet

Flea Prevention and Your Pet

Do you struggle with keeping your pet flea-free? Don’t be alarmed, you’re not the only one. During the warmer months fleas are particularly common. They make our pets’ lives itchy and uncomfortable. The answer to keeping fleas off your pet is simple – prevention. Understanding more about fleas may help you to develop other techniques to…

Pets & Food Allergies

Highlighting Hydrobaths

Bird Feather Picking Or Loss

Allergic Dermatitis

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