Search Results for: Senior Cat

Moving House With A Pet

Moving house can be tough on us – but it’s even harder on our pets. They don’t understand why everything in their environment is changing. Moving can lead to pets going missing (in search of their previous home territory) or behavioural changes. Like the rest of us, pets need a little extra TLC at moving time….

Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

How Can I Tell If My Dog or Pet Is Feeling The Cold?

Health Care For The Older Pet

Exercising With Older Pets

Articles of Interest

Cats Can Age Gracefully Just as humans get greyer hair, more wrinkles and bouts of arthritis, senior pets develop a variety of signs suggesting they too are aging. Unlike a fellow human, our feline friends can’t take res… read more Cleaning your Pets Teeth SO WHY DO MY PETS TEETH NEED CLEANING? Dental disease is one…

Blood Tests

Pet Surgery

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