Search Results for: find a vet

Guide to Keeping Pet Birds

Birds can make wonderful pets, but like any living animal, knowing how to take care of them is essential. For your pet bird to be a happy, healthy part of your family, it is essential they receive the best care. From entertainment, feeding and even healthcare, let us take you through the basics of keeping…

Introducing Pets and Babies

Lily Toxicity in Cats

Guide to Social Play in Dogs

How To Pick Puppy Food For Your New Puppy

Dog Sports & Activities

Dog sports can be a hobby or serious activity with many different events across Australia and the world. This can be a fun way to spend extra time with your beloved pooch. While any breed is trainable, certain breeds may be better suited to sports such as Jack Russell Terriers, Border Collies and Kelpies. The…

Anxiety In Dogs: Recognising Symptoms and How to Help

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