Can I Give My Pet Human Pain Medicine?

Dog being fed tablets by ownerShould I give my pet human pain medicine?

Even if your pet is in pain, the simple answer is no. It only takes one Ibuprofen tablet like Nurophen to cause extreme toxicity to a dog or cat. Human pain medicine is just that – for humans.

Our homes are filled with common substances and medications that are particularly dangerous to our pets. Ensure that the likes of chocolate, rat and snail bait, garlic, onion, coffee, tobacco, and painkillers like ibuprofen or paracetamol are always safely out of your pet’s reach.

Nurofen toxicity

– Written by Vet Nurse Rebecca Cunningham and Dr Rebecca Robey from Greencross Vets Fairy Meadow
Nurofen contains an anti-inflammatory called Ibuprofen which is highly toxic to pets. Even just one or two tablets can cause vomiting, abdominal discomfort, and painful stomach ulcers.
In more severe cases, the Ibuprofen can cause major damage to your pet’s kidneys. Symptoms often aren’t noticed by owners until several days after the pet consumes the ibuprofen. Drinking excessively, weakness, lethargy or appetite loss are common symptoms of kidney damage. Patients with kidney damage require several days in hospital on a drip to try and flush out the kidneys and prevent permanent damage.
Pets that consume a lot of ibuprofen or receive it long-term on a regular basis can develop seizures, brain injuries or sadly even die. Older pets, sick pets, and very young pets are at a greater risk of severe or permanent damage from ibuprofen toxicity.
It is very important to never give your pets Ibuprofen or any other human medications.
If you think your pet may have accidentally swallowed or been given ibuprofen, please seek veterinary attention immediately.
Your vet will try and make your animal vomit and may even pump their stomach or use charcoal to soak up the toxin. Pets often require intensive hospital care to try and save them from the serious ill-effects of the ibuprofen toxin.
For information on other common household toxins Click Here to download the Animal Emergency Centres information brochure.


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