Eat, Play, Love Your Pet To A Healthy Weight

Did you know that over 40% of Australian pets are overweight and at high risk of health problems such as arthritis, diabetes, heart and lung disease. Subtle signs like poor coat quality or skin problems may be a symptom of obesity as pets may not be able to groom themselves.

We have little control over some contributing factors of obesity such as breed, genetics, and age. However there are other factors, which we can control, such as how much we feed our pets, exercise and providing our pet with superior complete and balanced diet.


The good news is that we can help your pet achieve a healthy weight. Often pets who are struggling with obesity have gained weight due to excess calorie intake, inappropriate diet selection and excessive use of snacks, treats and human foods. This combined with little physical activity and possible arthritis may result in your pet becoming overweight and unhealthy due to the inability to burn excess calories.

Identifying if your pet has a weight problem is the first step towards improving their health and well-being. Maintaining a healthy weight for your pet is key to preventing health risks that can be associated with overweight pets.

Some ‘weighty’ questions to consider and help identify if your pet has a weight problem:

  • Does your pet have constant access to food or snacks?
  • Does your pet eat table scraps or leftovers?
  • Do you ever skip playing, or exercising with your pet?
  • Do you have difficulty feeling your pet’s ribs?
  • Is there little or no waistline?

If you’ve answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then it might be time to speak with your local Greencross Vets clinic for a complimentary weight check.

Identifying if your pet is overweight is the first step. Helping your pet achieve and maintain their ideal weight is the next and it’s not as easy as you might think. This requires commitment from both you and your veterinary health care team.

So, what’s involved in getting your pet to achieve their ideal weight? A visit to your local Greencross Vets will help to establish a tailored pet weight loss program that will incorporate a review of their current diet, exercise regime and take into account their lifestyle and medical history.

Complete and balanced nutrition and regular exercise is an integral part to your pet’s health and well-being. It’s never too late to get your pet into tip-top shape and as a partner in your pet’s health, we’re here to help!

If you suspect that your pet has a weight problem, book an appointment for a FREE weighing of your pet at your local Greencross Vets clinic today.

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