The Dangers Spring Can Bring

Spring has sprung and while there are many reasons to celebrate the arrival of warm sunshine and bright blooming flowers, it’s important to be mindful of the hidden dangers at this time of year. It is a misconception that animals avoid substances that may cause them problems. As a pet parent, it’s important to keep an eye out for certain flowers and other dangers that may harm our pets.

Harmful Flowers & Plants

Just like children, pets love to explore and try new things. Dogs and cats often explore by tasting, smelling, chewing and rolling on things that they shouldn’t. Plants, flowers and fruits are a common temptation to pets. Unfortunately, many of the common plants, springtime flowers and fruit trees that can be found in our backyards and local parks have toxins or seeds that can be very harmful to our pets. If you think your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have, contact your local Greencross Vets immediately.

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Ingestion of certain flowers, fruits and plants can cause toxicity in our pets with symptoms ranging from vomiting, diarrhoea, sudden renal failure, to direct toxic effects on the heart and even intestinal obstructions. Simply coming into contact with various allergy-causing plants and weeds can cause our pets to suffer an uncontrollable urge to scratch, lick, chew and rub at their skin until fur loss and dermatitis develops.

Identification of these worrisome plants allows avoidance and early recognition of the signs and symptoms that may become present in a pet that has had a reaction.

Flowering and non-flowering plants can lead to a variety of allergies. Many common kinds of grass, weeds and flowers all have the potential to disrupt your pet’s outdoor adventures. Sometimes these allergies can be due to contact, while other times their pollen can be inhaled. Other plants and fruits are more dangerous when they are eaten.

These are some common plants and flowers to avoid. You can also download a brochure with more information on toxic plants from our friends at the Animal Emergency Centre. Click here to download. If you think your pet has eaten something they shouldn’t have, or if they are unwell, please contact your local Greencross Vets for advice.

Harmful Parasites
Fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm are a problem for our pets all year round, but they are more prevalent during the warmer months. You can learn more about protecting your pet from harmful parasites here.
If you are concerned about your pet’s health or wellbeing, please contact your local Greencross Vets.


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