Don’t let parasite myths worm their way into your brain! Our vets reveal the top 5 parasite myths they hear from pet owners every day, and reveal the truth behind the myth! Read on and learn how to protect your best friend…
Myth #1: Fleas and ticks are only a risk in summer
Fact: While fleas and ticks thrive in warmer weather, this doesn’t mean they go away in winter. In fact, fleas and ticks can be present all year round and even if adult fleas aren’t visible, their eggs and larva may be hiding dormant in the environment just waiting to hatch!
Unfortunately parasites can survive all year, especially when we heat our homes in winter. The risk can be higher depending where you live, but prevention measures should be taken no matter the season. Chat to your local Greencross Vets team to learn more about what parasites are common in your area.

Myth #2: My dog doesn't have worms, I would have seen them!
Fact: Worms are hard to spot! They live in your dog’s intestines and your pet will most likely only have tiny worm eggs in their faeces if they are already infected. Worm eggs are often too small for the naked human eye to see, so even if you can’t see them, your dog may still be infected. Don’t take a chance with these nasty critters, worm your pet regularly.

Myth #3: My puppy is too young to have parasites
Fact: Newborn puppies are vulnerable to parasites, as their immune system is still developing. Did you know that pups can sometimes contract worms through their mother’s milk? Your vet will recommend the best way to worm your puppy at your first vet visit. Puppies are only little, so nasty parasites like fleas, ticks and worms can be very harmful. An infestation can cause anaemia and serious health issues. It’s important that you begin parasite prevention straight away.
Chat to your local Greencross Vets team, they are here to help and can advise a product that is safe for your puppy’s age and weight.

Myth #4: I have indoor dogs, they won't get parasites!
Fact: Your dog may prefer the comforts of your home, but this doesn’t mean they’re not at risk of contracting parasites. Did you know that dogs can catch deadly heartworm from mosquitos? Insects and other animals can bring parasites into our home, and we can unknowingly bring critters home on our shoes or clothing. Just one flea can multiply quickly, their eggs can lay dormant in the carpet or furniture for months before hatching and jumping onto your pet. The good news is that many products treat all stages of the flea lifecycle and protect against heartworm. Safeguard your dog’s health by ensuring that they’re always protected.

#5 Myth: People can't get parasites from dogs.
Fact: Unfortunately, many parasites can be transmitted from animals to people. This can occur when pet owners unknowingly come into contact with contaminated faeces, which seems unlikely but happens more often than we think! Infections may also be transmitted through saliva, by coming in contact with areas that pets relieve themselves in, or something as harmless as getting close for a snuggle.
It is important to keep up to date with parasite prevention. In addition to this, wash your hands often, particularly after gardening or playing with your dog. Don’t let your pet lick you and avoid those doggy kisses! Pick up your dog’s faeces daily and avoid going barefoot in garden areas where your dog may have toileted. Supervise children and teach them good hygiene around pets. In your home, keep surfaces and bathrooms clean, and change bed linen regularly. If you would like to learn more about keeping your family safe, please chat to your local Greencross Vets team for advice.

Protect your pet and your family
Our team are here to bust those parasite myths so you can keep your pet and family safe! Whether it’s summer or winter, the best way to protect your pet and family from parasites is to ensure your pet is on an effective parasite prevention product all year round.
There are many options available to suit your pet’s lifestyle, it’s important to choose the right solution for your family. We understand that choosing the right product can be a bit overwhelming but don’t worry, we’re here to help.
It’s never been easier to protect your pet with a combination of flea, tick, heartworm and intestinal worming treatments for complete protection. Chat with your local Greencross Vets team today for more information.