Arthritis Injections

Arthritis injections and your dog

Osteoarthritis (degenerative joint disease) can be debilitating to the point where it affects your pet’s quality of life. A short course of Arthritis injections, together with other treatments for your dog, can provide comfort and assist with joint inflammation.

One of the key ways to control the pain associated with arthritis is managing the inflammation within the joints. The added benefit to this is that with good control and management, the progression and onset of osteoarthritis can be reduced.

Pentosan polysulphates are  licensed veterinary products that increase joint fluid production and assist with rebuilding joint cartilage, making your pet feel more comfortable.

This course aims to promote new cartilage formation and thickens the joint fluid to work as a better lubricant.  As a result, it contributes to pain relief and targets all of the joints in the body at the same time.

The most common course for these arthritis injections is one injection a week over four consecutive weeks. After this course, your Greencross vet will guide you to the most appropriate schedule depending on your pet’s initial response. They may also recommend other treatments or additional injections to help combat the effects of further wear and tear of the joints.

To make an appointment for your dog’s arthritis injection, contact your local Greencross Vets today or book an appointment online.

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