Search Results for: vomiting

A Wee Problem

Often, we see cats presented for urinating in the house or in other inappropriate areas such as the bath, laundry,  or washing basket. There are a number of reasons that our seemingly well-behaved cats may start doing this. However, there is one reason that is common in our older pets – renal failure. Renal failure…

Wasp & Bee Stings On Dogs

Treats Not So Sweet For Pets

Rat Bait Poisoning in Dogs & Pets

Pancreatitis In Pets

Vaccinating your Dog

Why should I get my dog vaccinated? The saying ‘prevention is better than cure’ is as true for our pets as it is for us. Vaccinating your dog against preventable diseases is the logical choice when it comes to their health. If you have any questions about vaccinating your dog, contact your local Greencross Vets…

Medicating Our Feline Friends

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ibd) in Animals

Kidney Disease In Cats

Hyposensitisation (Pet Allergies)

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