Search Results for: vomiting

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Our vets explain what parasites to watch out for and how to keep your best friend protected… Ask your vet, we are here to help! Australia is home to some nasty critters, and local knowledge is key. Chat to your local vet team to learn about the parasites that are common in your area. We understand…

Ticks on Dogs: Identification, Symptoms, Prevention & Treatment

Ticks On Cats: Identification, Symptoms & Removal

Pets & Food Allergies

Paralysis Ticks

Haemorrhagic Gastroenteritis

What is haemorrhagic gastroenteritis? Canine haemorrhagic gastroenteritis (HGE) is a disorder of dogs characterised by sudden onset of vomiting or diarrhoea, containing variable amounts of blood. The blood may be bright red (fresh blood) or dark (digested blood). Affected dogs are usually very depressed. It is most common in small breeds. Sometimes, the dog could…

Heartworm Disease in Pets

Paralysis Tick Protection

Hyperthyroidism in Cats

Festive Foods Pets Should Avoid During Holidays

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