Search Results for: kitten

My Cat Always Attacks Me. Why?

Why your cat attacks Aggression is a natural part of many animals’ survival instincts. It can come from fear, pain or even something they learned from you. Here are some tips if your cat is prone to aggression. Growing up As kittens grow, they learn social skills from their littermates through play fights with one another….

Intestinal Worms

Introducing A New Pet To Your Home

Hookworm In Cats and Dogs

Hookworm And Your Pet

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Our vets explain what parasites to watch out for and how to keep your best friend protected… Ask your vet, we are here to help! Australia is home to some nasty critters, and local knowledge is key. Chat to your local vet team to learn about the parasites that are common in your area. We understand…

Heat Stress In Animals

Dietary Needs For Our Senior Pets

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus

Feline Respiratory Disease (Cat Flu)

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