Search Results for: adult Dog

Spotless House Training

by JOHN S JOHNSON Taking a deep breath your dinner guests smile politely.  “Oh, I see you must have gotten a new puppy,” they announce with wrinkled noses, even though the dog is nowhere in sight.  The nearly new carpet, once a lovely beige, is beginning to take on a whole new pattern and you…

Zoonotic Disease

How To Protect Your Pet From Parasites

Demodectic Mange (Canine Skin Disease)

Puppy Health Care Tips

Skin Cancer in Pets: A Comprehensive Guide

Did you know that as well as being a major cause of illness in humans, skin cancer also affects pets?  With Australia having one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world, and Queensland being the skin cancer capital of the world, pets are also at a high risk of developing skin cancer. …

A Guide To Feeding Your Kitten

Dental care for your pet

Year-Round Heartworm Prevention

Dental care for your pet

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