Search Results for: skin disease

Canine Dental Health Check

Keeping your canine companions teeth and gums healthy Believe it or not, taking care of your dog’s dental health is just as important as looking after your own. Proper dental care for pets is critical to your pet’s overall health and wellbeing. Dental disease, if left untreated or detected, can cause tooth abscesses and bacteria…

Canine Vaccination

Canine Wellness Check

Year-Round Heartworm Prevention

The Food We Choose Counts

My Pet Vomits After Eating

Why does my pet vomit after eating? When your pet vomits after eating, it may be a sign that something isn’t quite right. Occasionally, pets might bring up their food if they’ve eaten something unusual (like garbage or grass). This can be a natural defence that protects your pet when they have eaten something they…

The Risks For Overweight Pets

Sore Ears In Pets

Aural Haematoma

Heartworm Signs, Treatment and Prevention

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