Search Results for: puppy

Canine (Kennel) Cough In Dogs

Is my dog at risk of canine cough? Canine cough, also known as kennel cough, is an infectious disease that affects the respiratory system. This condition is the result of several highly infectious diseases which can be easily spread wherever dogs congregate and socialise such as dog shows, boarding kennels, and obedience classes. Canine cough may persist…

Pets and Christmas Decoration Safety

Biting And Mouthing

Why Is My Dog Or Pet Vomiting?

Articles of Interest

Pet Vaccinations

Vaccinations and your pet Our pets offer us unconditional love and friendship. Just like any other family member, vaccinations for pets (particularly our puppy and kitten family members) is crucial to their health. To safeguard your pet from potentially serious and sometimes fatal diseases, Greencross Vets recommends a tailored preventative health care program for every…

Adult Dog Health Care Tips

Pet Obesity and Weight Loss

Adult Dogs


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